Blazed National Forum¶
A free community offered to all Blazed citizens.
What Can I Post?¶
You can post anything you like, just make sure to adhere to our Code of Conduct, that means:
- No obscene or inappropriate content whatsoever. It will be deleted.
- No harrassment or cyber-bullying of other contributors or anyone else. It will be deleted. You will be banned.
- No mention of illicit drug use, gang affiliation, violence, or political affiliation. It will be deleted. You will be banned.
- Please keep all content PG.
- Maintain a professional tone and use adequate grammar. Use of slang is strongly discouraged.
- Do not ask any other citizen to reveal sensitive information You will be banned.
- Do not advertise any external product or service unless its used by Blazed and/or expressly permitted.
- Do not make any threats of violence or harm to any other citizens or anyone else. You will be banned.
- Please make sure to label your post with one of the labels available. If unsure, use "general".
- Please make sure to sign up for Blazed Citizenship before you post, its 100% free and you can sign in with your Google account, if you wish.